With a background in functional nutrition and thorough training in primary care, Dr. Robertson can help with a range of issues including chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
You don’t need to have a “back problem” to make an appointment!
Our office can provide expert evaluation and holistic-medicine treatment for:
Functional Nutrition Consultations • High Blood Pressure & Other Chronic Conditions • Digestive Issues • COVID-19 Prevention? • Headaches & Migraines • Foot/Ankle/Knee Pain • Prenatal Support • Pediatric Chiropractic • Dry Needling • Shoulder/Elbow/Wrist/Hand Issues
Email Dr. Robertson to learn more.
Functional Nutrition Consultations
What we put into our bodies can be powerful fuel to help us meet our wellness goals and heal illness. However, we may also unwittingly make nutritional missteps that lead to systemic inflammation, deficiencies, or unintended side-effects. Dr. Robertson uses multiple methods of evaluation, including blood, urine and hair testing, and elimination diets to assess your overall health and your nutritional needs. He can also work with your primary care provider to replenish nutrients depleted by prescription medications. We can even meet with you in the comfort of your own home via virtual visit.
Learn more about our lab-based functional nutrition program, Whole Healthy You.
High Blood Pressure & Other Chronic Conditions
The two primary causes of hypertension (high blood pressure) are mental/emotional stress and inflammation. When applied correctly and consistently, multiple natural remedies can successfully reduce hypertension. Many other so-called lifestyle diseases that affect large numbers of people in the Western world—diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers—are also linked to inflammation and stress and, with a proper assessment and treatment plan, can be effectively addressed with holistic natural methods. We can even potentially prevent them before they start!
Digestive Issues
Struggling with small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), or other digestion problems? Not sure WHAT might be at the root of the problem? Dr. Robertson has been successfully helping patients with these issues for 20 years and would be happy to help you find relief, too! There are natural and often simple ways to treat these conditions.
COVID-19 Prevention/Treatment?
Even more than two years into the pandemic, the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV2 (COVID) is still so new and rapidly changing with variants that we are just starting to gain evidence that only a couple medications and a few supplements may aid in either treatment or prevention of this illness. Widespread vaccination all over the world remains the best hope we have to stem the tide of this disease and get back to some sense of “normal” life.
We do, however, continue to mount evidence that many of the worst cases of COVID-19 occur in patients with the highest levels of systemic inflammation (including a marker called Interleukin-6 [IL-6]) and the lowest vitamin D levels (a blood marker called 25-OH-D3 and a derivative called cathelicidin). Ample evidence also supports nutrition’s strong role in running and supporting the immune system, inhibiting RNA viruses like SARS-CoV2, again including vitamin D. Decreasing systemic inflammation with nutritional treatment is a reasonable and cost-effective tactic for reducing or preventing chronic illnesses—and even for reducing the severity of acute illness including certain types of respiratory distress. This is not NEW information, but old information that can be applied to new conditions, safely. The most common co-morbidities (weakening factors) that make COVID-19 worse all have a component of chronic systemic inflammation: obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, smoking, lung or kidney disease, and hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol and triglycerides). (Links to supporting research are here.) We also have to note that vaccines do cause an inflammatory response as part of the immune response. This inflammation may be able to be modulated by proper nutrition as well—knowing how to use these safe and effective supplements to normalize/reduce inflammation is what my life’s work is about.
If you or a loved one has one of these co-morbidities or an autoimmune condition, or you worry that you might be more susceptible to COVID, call us to schedule an evidence-informed functional nutrition evaluation. Even if you’ve been infected and you’re suffering from long COVID, we might still be able to help reduce your inflammation-driven symptoms.
Headaches & Migraines
Headaches and migraines typically stem from a number of factors, and you may not realize that treatment options extend well beyond covering up the symptoms with pain medications. Those can be a help, too, but muscular or postural contributors, chronic inflammatory conditions like high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, unresolved head or neck trauma, and foods or other external factors can also play a role. If you are a sufferer, call us to set up a consultation and find safe, effective, and long-lasting relief.
Foot/Ankle/Knee Pain
You don’t have to live with pain every step you take! Relief from plantar fasciitis and other foot pain, as well as ankle and knee pain, is available—often without drugs or surgery. Whether you might benefit from chiropractic extremity adjustments, a simple stretching regimen, arch-strengthening exercises, or custom orthotics, Dr. Robertson can give you the tools to put the bounce back in your step. After a dynamic gait analysis, if necessary he may fit you for orthotics, sandals, or even flip-flops, each of which can be customized to correct and support your gait, in turn supporting your skeletal frame from the foundation up.
Prenatal Support
Dr. Robertson is trained to provide safe and specialized treatment, including chiropractic adjustments, during your pregnancy. Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it can also bring new or exacerbated aches and pains. This is only natural, as pregnancy asks a lot of your body both structurally and nutritionally—let us provide ongoing chiropractic and physical care as you prepare for your new addition. Our chiropractic table is highly adjustable to ensure your comfort up until the day of delivery. We can also tailor your nutrition to support you and your baby through pregnancy and breastfeeding with science-informed experience. (Most of our supplements are manufactured in an FDA-regulated pharmaceutical facility, so we can ensure safe and accurate dosing.) Dr. Robertson can also provide postpartum support, including abdominal rehabilitation, or refer you to one of his specialist colleagues for pelvic-floor physical therapy.
Pediatric Chiropractic
Kids’ active lives—not to mention falls, bicycle crashes, and sports injuries—can cause issues that benefit from the professional attention of a musculoskeletal specialist. Moreover, early detection is a key to successful treatment of spinal curvature or gait problems and can prevent more invasive interventions in adulthood. Not sure chiropractic is right for your child? Let’s talk about it!
Dry Needling, Cupping, Myofascial Release/Guasha
Dry needling, cupping, and guasha are specialized techniques that treat muscular trigger points and connective tissue adhesions to relieve pain and improve range of motion. Dry needling may sound prickly, but it’s simply the careful and strategic use of thin, sterile needles to produce a therapeutic effect. Guasha releases scar tissue and inflammatory adhesions in and around muscle tissue. These physical therapy techniques can do wonders for muscular pain or spasm, and we can use them to decrease tension headaches, heal chronic tendonitis, after acute injury, and more.
Extremity Issues
Chiropractic health is about much more than your spine. Dr. Robertson can assess and treat gait (walking/running) issues as well as joint pain in your extremities: hips, ankles, knees, shoulders, elbows, and wrists. We can address problems in your hands and feet, too.